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XI - A tea ceremony among friends.

Over the past few months, I've been starting conversations with people i meet, about their relationship to tea.

One of these talks led to the decision to attempt a tea ceremony of our own, create a tea space and practice meditation in a small group.

A friend, familiar with the process of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, "The way of tea", agreed to offer her space, tea making tools and a special Japanese macha tea in order to host this gathering, so we began making preparations.

We decorated a space in her art studio that felt right, decided on our guests and prepared invitations out of the tea infused paper I made.

This relaxing ritual was of course inspired by the japanese way of tea, but due to limitations and cultural differences, we created an ''approximation'' of a tea ceremony.

The goal of this project was to come closer to the philosophy of this procedure, within our own cultural bounds, being in a small Greek town.

The ceremony has a few rules that must be respected, here are some examples :

  • The host must practice discipline and grace throughout the ceremony, making sure his movements are clean and precise.

  • The must be no sensory distractions such as smells, sounds or random objects, so that the tea can be appreciated and savored.

  • For the same reason, there should be an optional period of fasting.

  • A seasonal flower should be picked to adorn the ceremony.

  • After the tea serving is over, the host treats us to a meal, to conclude the gathering.

This is a moment of connection and humility between the host and guests, having the tea as a medium that helps practice gratitude, self love and how to enjoy a moment as it happens, in a state of mindfulness.

With the help of a curious friend, we managed to film the day and encapsulate our amazing morning together. The film can be viewed below.

A tea ceremony among friends

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